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Message from 2014 SJ 21 E Vice Commodore

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 7:52 pm
by RLDommel
After going through a very competitive nominating and election process, I was selected to become your 2014 San Juan 21 Class Association Eastern Commodore (well, isn’t that the way it is supposed to happen??).

Today, is a good day to compose this memo, because as I sit at my desk in my home located in beautiful downtown Lugoff, South Carolina, I can look out the window and see 4 inches of snow on the ground!

According to the class constitution, 1.10 Article X: OFFICERS, 1. b., The Vice Commodores….. ”They shall serve on the Executive Committee, and shall assume such responsibilities as may be delegated to them by the Commodore or the Governing Board.”

One of the charges is to be a link between the Eastern Fleets and “unattached” members to the Executive Committee.

As with any organization, there are operational expenses (web site, secretarial and treasurer, conference calls, hardware, trophies, etc.) in running the class. Therefore, if you have not done so already, your 2014 class dues are due.

To get the form for renewing or applying for membership go to:

There has been discussion about being able to renew “on-line,” but with our dues being so low, the cost to the class to set up and maintain such as system appears to be prohibited.

So what is going to happen in 2014 east of the Mississippi?

Some of you may have gotten already info from Mike Robinson of Lake Norman Fleet #31 about the Midwinters to be held at Lake Norman Yacht Club (LNYC) on 15, 16 March. LNYC will also be hosting the Eastern Nationals Labor Day Weekend.

Please visit the Fleet #31 web site to view how active the fleet is: ... e_id=34718

Another thing about Fleet #31, they hold the secret to the “can of percussion!”

Other events to put on your calendar.

Columbia Sailing Club Outback Steakhouse Regatta 20 21, September

Columbia Sailing Club Midlands 8, 9 October

LNYC 4th of July

Juaners in the South Atlantic Yacht Racing Association (SAYRA) can find a listing of regattas at:

I would like to post other events and fleet news items so let me know and I can broadcast them. Please note that I put your addresses as “bcc” to reduce the possibility of misuse of the DL.

Please check with members of your fleets to confirm they are getting this communication. If not please forward their address to me. If you want to be removed, please let me know. Also, if you have someone who is interested in a SJ 21 or wants to be friends of the class, then forward their e address to me.

I will also post my memos to you on the class web site which is our source for information about the San Juan 21 and overall class activities (forums, photo gallery, history, contacts, etc.).

On 12 February, I will have an Executive Committee conference call lead by Commodore Jon Richards. If you have any issues you would like to be brought to the committee please let me know before then.

I am looking forward to this year and working with you to further the class in the East and having great competitive fun on the water.

Cheers, (\_ <----- SJ 21 #1085 "White Knuckles" (\_ (\_ (\_
Dick Dommel Home: 803.438.1993 Cell: 803.414.4300