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Metal Keel Gasket
Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 12:47 am
by Problem Child
Does anyone have the specs/know where I can find a metal keel gasket. Nationals are next week and I just now learned that the mylar keel gasket is not the only option.
Re: Metal Keel Gasket
Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 1:31 am
by Mojo899
The metal Keel gaskets are in the works for beinging re-sourced since Randy Blair passed away. There wont be a huge advantage to the Mylar or Dacron Gaskets. I use a Dacron one and have been very competitive with mine. All in how it is installed if you want to get that technical. Also, prior to my new gasket I was competing with about 3 inches of gasket cutout of the back of mine. Of which I didn't know about and was placing in the top 3 consistently.
If you do get a metal Keel Gasket you have to have the fiberglass fairing at the front to close the gap in front of the Keel. That is the main need for sourcing. Otherwise the Metal Keel Gasket is pretty much just a strip of metal, a hook and some rigging to keep the metal against the hook.
Re: Metal Keel Gasket
Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 4:25 pm
by Steve
I get an aluminum piece of exactly the right width from stock at one of the used metal stores, and they cut it to length. A SS hinge can be bought on-line or from most sailing supply stores, although I've also used a galvanized or brass hinge from Home Depot. Rather than an elaborate catch piece at the back of the trunk, such as what Randy provided (great guy, always helpful - spent a nice day with him once. Sorry to hear of his passing), I simply attach a line to the gasket and run it up to the cockpit floor where I tie it off. There are a number of ways to to keep it from popping up and down in waves.