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Jim Hubbard's San Juan 21 Harbor Closing Down

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:19 pm
by TomD
Alas, after nearly 14 years the San Juan 21 Harbor will be closing soon.

Thanks to all who have contributed and visited over the years. I hope you've all benefited in some way.

It's been a pleasure to serve the San Juan 21 community in the U.S. and Canada.

- Jim Hubbard
... Indianapolis
Thank you for your very important contribution to the San Juan 21 community. The site will be missed by many San Juan 21 sailors.

Re: Jim Hubbard's San Juan 21 Harbor Closing Down

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:44 am
by JimW
Are there any thoughts to archiving Jim's site and its years of SJ21 wisdom here on the class website?

Re: Jim Hubbard's San Juan 21 Harbor Closing Down

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:55 am
by TomD
I believe multiple people who are in a position to represent the class and help have reached out to Jim in hopes to do exactly that while providing a smooth transition. Those of us with the technical skills have contributed with advice on how to preserve the data should Jim agree to it.

I think what we need is as a write in campaign in this thread. More people need to join the forum instead of just passively reading it. It would help a lot if they posted in this thread letting Jim and everyone else know that the class site is the preferred home of his legacy and the San Juan owners.

Re: Jim Hubbard's San Juan 21 Harbor Closing Down

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:06 pm
by solvacc
I'm with you. This would be a good opportunity to move the harbor discussions to the class website. I believe plans are in place to archive the information on the harbor site. It would be neat to put that information in a "database" and setup google's search function so that SJ21 sailors can use it effectively.

Re: Jim Hubbard's San Juan 21 Harbor Closing Down

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:15 pm
by Krysia Ry
JIm has been approached by the National Association. I have also discussed it with him but he has not decided what he wants to do. He said he is thinking about his options. This would be the best place to archive the data. We shall see.
Bill Pritchard
Nelson BC

Re: Jim Hubbard's San Juan 21 Harbor Closing Down

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:01 am
by patrick
I'm not tech savvy at all but would love to see the posts from Jim's site organized according to topic in a format like the one that exists on this site, or in some other useable interface. I certainly will add my vote to the idea of having the posts on Jim's site available here at the National Class Association. The Harbor is a class resource that lots of people have contributed to and it would be wonderful if it can be a continuing resource for the class. Thanks again Jim for all of your years of service to San Juan community!

Re: Jim Hubbard's San Juan 21 Harbor Closing Down

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 5:19 pm
by javsj
Hear! Hear! I also vote for preserving Jim Hubbard's Harbor discussions at the Class Association site. I bought a San Juan 21 (MkII, 1980; my first) at the end of last season, and I found the Harbor to be a critical source of information that helped with the initial decision, learning how to identify a sound boat, performing upgrades and repairs, and start sailing it. As a previous post suggested, organizing the material by topics would be a great idea.

Re: Jim Hubbard's San Juan 21 Harbor Closing Down

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:12 am
by Windchaser
I also vote for preserving Jim Hubbard's Harbor discussions at the Class Association site

Re: Jim Hubbard's San Juan 21 Harbor Closing Down

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:28 am
by Northstar142
To: All San Juan 21 Sailors,

I've been in contact with an avid San Juan 21 sailor who is in the process of creating an update to the popular SJ21 Harbor. I'm not sure when the new site will be activated but I'm hopeful to keep my site active until then. If all goes well, there should be no interruption for the 'Harbor', as I have also offered to transfer my domain name to the new SJ21 designer.

Unfortunately my age and health prevent me from daily administering the Harbor, but I will continue to be active in one way or another, even if it's just reading posts or continuing my friendship with the many San Juan 21 sailors I've met over the years.

Good luck and fair winds to all.

Jim Hubbard

Re: Jim Hubbard's San Juan 21 Harbor Closing Down

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:11 pm
by TomD

As someone who has maintained many sites like yours I truly appreciate all of the hard work that you have done. Very few people understand the time and effort that goes on behind the scenes. The San Juan 21 community has benefited greatly from your work and I think you will be remembered for your contributions as long as our boats are still sailing. Probably much much longer.

As much as I would have liked to seen the historical content of merged into the class association site I am also excited to see what is next for the Harbor because at the end of the day we will all benefit from the additional exposure and interest in our boats. Please extend my welcome to the new web master of I don't speak for the class association but I think most of us would welcome a close working relationship and find ways to complement each others site and content.

Thank you,
