Jiffy Reefing

Tips, Tricks, and Secrets to rigging a San Juan 21
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Joined:Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:00 pm
Jiffy Reefing

Post by Roamer » Fri Mar 17, 2017 9:46 pm

My mainsail has a single row of reefing grommets, with a bigger one at the tack. I'd like to get the system rigged before going out this year, but have no idea about how to handle the reef grommet at the tack point. Is there a hook to be attached on the gooseneck? Or do I just pull the reef tack down with a piece of line? The hardware for the reef clew is already on the boom, so no problem there...

Thanks for any help!
Roamer #162

Joined:Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:48 am

Re: Jiffy Reefing

Post by kuriti » Fri Mar 17, 2017 11:00 pm

Some people install a reef hook on the gooseneck. I will do that someday. Right now I tie a line to the bottom of the gooseneck, go up through the grommet, then down to a block on my mast organizer, then to a cleat. I use a stop in the mast track to keep the boom from sliding down, but you could manage it with the main halyard and the reefing line. I do not believe this is an Orthodox way to handle it, but it works great for me. I actually just use the same line as a downhaul by not putting it through the grommet, just straight to the block. You dont even need a block, you could just cleat it on the mast down low. I use the block because I have a bridge over the companionway as a line organizer to access lines from the cockpit. You can catch a glimpse of it in this video, just before my rudder kicks up for no reason.

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