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Fleet 28 will be there

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 12:29 am
by krsail
ASAP is trying to get other SJ21's in Fleet 28 to make it to the 2014 NA's.
So far there are 6 interested skippers.
We are excited and looking forward to the event.
Please keep us posted of events prior to and after, so we can plan our trip accordingly.
If there are other regattas in the area (with SJ21's), that someone might recommend, please advise.

Re: Fleet 28 will be there

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:56 pm
by cklamp
krsail, absolutely will do, and stay tuned, we're starting to heat up with organization of this event!

As an aside, since we're still planning, though things are firming up, let us know what might help to get more firm commitments:) If there is anything we can do that is.
