New Fleet 61 member

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Krysia Ry
Joined:Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:32 pm
Location:Nelson BC
New Fleet 61 member

Post by Krysia Ry » Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:18 am

So today I went to help my bro-in-law haul Sj 21 #302 from Nelson to Rossland BC. Stephen raced with me in the gray Creek Regatta a few weeks ago and when I told him a local boat that had been on the hard for a few years was available........ She is sitting in his yard with a couple of small jobs to do over winter and he hopes to get her out soon. I'm sure he'll be logging in to the site soon. BTW his boat came from Idaho a few years back via another friend of mine. The cabin has been recored and needs some glassing and he will be re-bedding all the deck hardware and wood.

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